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Stand up for the future of San Francisco Bay. Call on the Newark City Council, regulatory agencies, and the State of California to support the permanent protection and restoration (not development!) of Newark Area 4, and support its inclusion in the Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Sign the petition

The Future Health of Our Bay and It’s Tidal Wetlands Are At Risk

Along the South San Francisco Bay shoreline is a remarkable open space area known as Newark Area 4. The former home of the Whistling Wings and Pintail Duck Clubs, the 500-acre Area 4 is a mosaic of SF Bay wetlands and upland wildlife habitat directly bordering the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Area 4 supports dozens of Bay wildlife species, including the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse, thousands of resident and annual migratory shorebirds and waterfowl, and the upper reaches of the tidal Mowry Slough. Where Mowry Slough meets the Bay is one of the largest harbor seal pupping sites in the Bay. 

San Francisco Bay advocates and Newark residents have fought vigorously for decades to protect and restore these historic baylands and have them included in the adjacent SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge. However the City of Newark and developers have been advancing development plans that would pave over and degrade these restorable wetlands with 469 luxury housing units, putting new residents in a FEMA flood zone anticipated to be completely inundated by sea level rise. 

Will we pave over one of the last unprotected open spaces along the south San Francisco Bay and put more people at risk from flooding, or will we protect and restore these wetlands and expand our wildlife refuge for future generations?

Now is the time to Save Newark Wetlands. For Newark, for the Bay Area, and for all who cherish the protection, restoration and resilience of San Francisco Bay.

Share the #SaveNewarkWetlands video with your friends!

With sea levels rising, Bay scientists and climate experts say it’s more important than ever to protect and restore San Francisco Bay’s wetlands. Yet in the South Bay city of Newark, developers are proposing to pave over and harm this 500-acre site with luxury housing. Bay advocates are waging a last-ditch effort to #SaveNewarkWetlands before it’s too late. Watch & Take Action!

(Video Produced by Skycar Creative)

protect newark area 4


The first urban national wildlife refuge in the U.S, the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge protects nature in the heart of the Bay Area's 7.5 million people. Scientists have long-advocated for Newark Area 4 to be protected and added to the Refuge.

Total acres of historic Bay wetlands and wildlife habitat in Newark Area 4
Bay wildlife species that would benefit from restoring Newark's wetlands
0 +
The State of California’s recommendation that we should plan for 3.5’ sea level rise by 2050. Experts predict 6-10 feet or more by 2100.
1 feet
Schools and recreation centers within a 1 mile walk from Newark Area 4

Support our volunteer-led campaign to protect, restore and add Newark Area 4 to the Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge!

Recent News

Save Newark Wetlands is led by the Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge, with the support of over a dozen conservation, climate and community organizations.

The Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge (CCCR) is the champion and defender of San Francisco Bay’s National Wildlife Refuge, and a knowledgeable voice and advocate for the Bay’s wetlands and wildlife.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 23957, San Jose, CA 95153


© 2025 Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge

© 2025 Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge

Take Action to Save Newark Wetlands!


Stand up for the future of San Francisco Bay. Call on the Newark City Council, regulatory and resource agencies, and the State of California to permanently protect and restore (not develop!) Newark Area 4, and support its inclusion in the Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

The over 500 acre historic bayland site, the former home of the Whistling Wings and Pintail Duck Clubs, Newark Area 4, is a remarkable mosaic of wetlands, restorable wetlands and wildlife habitat that provide a critical benefit to San Francisco Bay, Newark, and the region:

  • Newark Area 4 contains over 200 acres of existing wetlands, that provide habitat for Bay wildlife species, including the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse

  • Newark Area 4 is one of the few undeveloped locations in the South San Francisco Bay that scientists have prioritized for wetlands to migrate inland as sea levels rise- providing resilience for the Bay’s habitats and the wildlife that depend on them despite our rapidly changing climate

  • Newark Area 4, if preserved, would provide continued flood protection for Newark and surrounding communities

  • Newark Area 4, if protected, would advance outdoor equity, providing valuable and easily accessible open space for underserved communities in Newark that currently lack sufficient access to natural lands

  • As an open space land that is already within a FEMA 100-year flood hazard zone, anticipated to be inundated as sea levels rise, and without any existing city infrastructure – Newark Area 4 is the right place for wetlands – and the wrong place for housing! In an era of rising sea levels, it doesn’t make any sense to continue placing new development, infrastructure and people in harm’s way.