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Supporters of Save Newark Wetlands

Save Newark Wetlands is led by Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge, with the support of over a dozen conservation, climate resilience, and community organizations. These organizations and residents join CCCR in calling for the permanent protection of the historic baylands in the City of Newark, California identified as “Newark Area 4,” supporting the site’s acquisition and inclusion in the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, and restoration for wildlife habitat, flood control and sea level rise adaptation, and improving public access to the nature. To add your organization, email cccrrefuge (at) 

Scientists Support for Newark Area 4 Baylands

San Francisco Bay scientists, wetlands, wildlife and climate resilience experts have emphasized the importance of protecting the Newark Area 4 Baylands for many years. 45 prominent scientists have released a Scientific Consensus Statement, urging the region to work together to permanently protect these 500 acres. Click here to read the statement and learn more about the strong support of San Francisco Bay scientists for protecting Newark Area 4. 

What Our Community Supporters are Saying

Save Newark Wetlands has the support of thousands of residents from Newark and around the Bay Area, who have signed our petitions, attended City Council meetings, and taken additional action urging the permanent protection of this site from development. In their own words, here is a selection of comments for why our supporters care about protecting Newark Area 4: 

“I live in Newark, not far from the wetlands and Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge. This is one of the very few areas around the bay that actually has an established wetlands as well as trails for people to hike and enjoy the area. I vehemently oppose the development of new housing in this area.” – Ahmer K. from Newark

“Our family lives in Newark and have been here over 50 years. Do not take away our open space for housing.” – Sabrina L. from Newark

“I live across the Bay from this proposed development, and allowing more building in areas subject to problems with sea level rise is crazy. We need to be preserving and restoring wetlands to help protect what we can. Another development means even more levees to hold back the rising sea.” – Wilma H. from San Carlos

“California does not need another “luxury housing development”! We do need much more nature protected. And that surely includes our vanishing wetlands. We urge you to permanently Save Newark Wetlands. Your children and your grandchildren.. .and ours…will thank you for generations to come. Please do the right thing: Save Newark Wetlands…now and forever. Thank you for your wisdom… and for your political courage. – Sally & Jake S. from Petaluma

“As a resident of Newark, I do not believe the development of Area 4 is in our best interest…. By eradicating the wetlands and the natural protections they provide the surrounding areas, you are making the entire city more susceptible to negative consequences from sea level rise. This land needs to be part of the SF Bay Wildlife Refuge, and not made into executive homes” – Cara M. from Newark

“The San Francisco Bay is a respite for us from the day to day stresses of life here in the Bay Area. I walk along the bay daily. It is the absolute best thing about living in Newark. We must have a place for the birds on this Pacific Flyway. We must protect the endangered species. We must save the bay for future generations! No more development on the bay in Newark!” – Lissa N. from Newark

“As an environmental scientist in the Bay Area, I believe that restoring and preserving our wetlands is one of the most important environmental decisions we can make, especially as we face rising pressure from climate change. Please preserve the wetlands!” – Emily N. from Oakland

“My family and I enjoy Don Edwards and surrounding areas on a regular basis. We marvel at nature and find mental peace in these increasingly unpredictable times. … Do the smart, wise thing and save nature to save ourselves.” – Shanthi K. from Fremont

What Regulators and Resource Agencies are Saying

Regulatory and wildlife management agencies, whose mission is to protect San Francisco Bay’s wetlands and wildlife have been consistently on-record expressing concern about the development of Area 4 and/or encouraging Area 4’s prioritization for conservation. Here are a few of their comments:

San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board: 

“Large expanses of undeveloped uplands immediately adjacent to tidal sloughs are extremely rare in the south and central San Francisco Bay”… “Area 4 represents a rare opportunity to … provide an area for tidal marsh species to move up slope in response to sea level rise” 

(San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board letter to City of Newark in response to Areas 3 and 4 Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report, June 23, 2010, p.2)


Bay Conservation and Development Commission:

To address the regional adverse impacts of climate change, undeveloped areas that are both vulnerable to future flooding and currently sustain significant habitats or species, or possess conditions that make the areas especially suitable for ecosystem enhancement, should be given special consideration for preservation and habitat enhancement and should be encouraged to be used for those purposes.”

(BCDC staff letter to the City of Newark in response to Newark General Plan Tune Up, Sept 27, 2013, p. 3, referencing BCDC’s climate change Policy #4)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex:

“The proposed development of Area 4 will only add to the cumulative loss of tidal wetlands in San Francisco Bay and endangered species that are dependent on that habitat,” and “Area 4 would be an extremely valuable addition to the Refuge as it could provide valuable ecotonal habitat transitioning from restored wetlands to upland areas” 

(US Fish and Wildlife Service letter to City of Newark in response to the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report, Sept. 19, 2013)

The Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge (CCCR) is the champion and defender of San Francisco Bay’s National Wildlife Refuge, and a knowledgeable voice and advocate for the Bay’s wetlands and wildlife.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 23957, San Jose, CA 95153


© 2025 Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge

© 2025 Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge